Free Layouts for MySpace

I made my layout with the Myspace Background Maker. Get myspace layouts, graphics, and flash toys at pYzam.
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Friday, February 27, 2009

Limited DKNY!

Oh great, another Limited Edition... This time It`s DKNY...


Wtf is with these spoilers???I don't get it...

Lol London shirt

I think that you all already know about the free london stuff-it is all so very cute,BUT(there is always a but(XD)) when you try putting your shirt into the closet-it won't fit,caouse it is something like a "mini shop clothes" and when you try puttin it on you-it won't fit like the other clothes-you have to MAKE IT fit...XD
So,stardoll,thanks for the free stuff-but,plz-next time,don't make this...XD


In my last post I posted some spoilers. Well you can get three of them for free!

Join on of those clubs: EF_StarClub_it , EF_StarClub_es or EF_StarClub_fi and you'll find three gifts from Stardoll Admin in your suite!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

London Spoilers ^^

I like this, Its so cute! <3

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Jonas Brothers Shirt?

I guess this will be free?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oh, please...

Remember that `weird spoilers` post I wrote? Well, those weren't spoilers... Those were new starpoint rewards... I don`t know what you think, but this is just lame... Some people are on star doll for years and what do they get? Candy Bowl... For 6000 starpoints?!

6000 starpoints: Candy Bowl (3$)
6500 starpoints: Gumball Machine (4$)
7000 starpoints: UFO Lamp (4$)
7500 starpoints: Asymetric Bookshelf (5$)

And I don`t even wanna write about those Vacuum Cleaners... Do they think were stupid?

I'm so pissed at stardoll right now...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Headless Shakira

Headless Shakira-that is the new creation of stardoll...XD
This is so funny-I can't belive that they made such a stupidity-just imagine someone looking through your album-and guess what do they see?A headless Shakira...
Leave comments...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Weird spoilers O.o

What Is This? Kinda random... :/

P.S. I noticed those spoilers earlier today but I had to do something else so I didn`t do the picture. I took this from another blog.

March HBs

What do you think? If you ask me... Most of It is kinda fugly... :/

Thursday, February 19, 2009

We Got Over 10 000 Visits!

I know, It`s not related to Stardoll but I had to Write something about it... (:

So... Um... Yay^.^

Tnx To Everyone Who Visited Us!


Here are new spoilers :)
Do you like them?
That shirt isn't bad... At least that's what I think... (:

Barbie Dress

Go To Stardoll Cinema And It Will Be There. ^^

And btw, I thought we posted something about this but we didnt. You can now search for stuff in starbazaar. Yay^-^

Monday, February 16, 2009

Bye, Bye Molly?

A month ago I posted something about `The Nicest Bitch` - Molly and her `Nice Book`.
After that she wrote something about Arna-rut. As she promised, It wasn't like BBB. Not so mean and not so...well...interesting... It just didn't sound like It was her real opinion... :/
And then, I noticed this: (quote)
,,Two weeks ago I was thinking: 'Hey, why don't I create a new blog, something new! Why don't I make people feel happy? Why don't I try to create a 'nice' Burn Book?!' .Unfortunately, all those thoughts have left my mind. I thought this was what all of you wanted, right? Someone who can actually write nice stuff! I guess I was wrong, really wrong. I'm sure some of you don't have idea what I am talking about.. Ehem, I have received almost 100 messages saying mean stuff, like:'This blog sucks!', 'Get a life', 'The idea is awful', 'Your writing is bad... Eww', and so much more stuff that I think are too offensive for this blog...Is this what you all think? ``
So, people didn't really like Molly. But I wanna know who were the other 5 persons she wrote about... Maybe we`ll never know. What do you think? Should she delete it?

Free pilow+t shirt

Go to minishop
On page 1 you will find it.Its red whit flowers.

Go to starbazar
black top
page 7

Sunday, February 15, 2009

This is just lame...

Since a lot of people asked me to write something about this-I will.
As you all probably know, new Star Awards are comming and people are getting nominated.
Apparently theres a girl-wylie1995 , who is nominating herself.
All of her accounts are made today and here are some names:
and probably insidejokefunny
I guess there are more, but I don`t know the names.
I know you wanna win, but Isn`t It better to let others decide about it...?
Its not fair to other people...

It`s Here!

It`s finaly here! New issue of Teen Style. And It Looks Amazing!
The CoverGirls are Snapple2 and xLou26, owners of Stardoll Fashion Forward.
This issue is themed “Romance Issue” and the graphic are realy great!

What do you think?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Free lipstic

Go to the starplaza,and on first page you will see Stardoll's Valentine's gift...It is so pretty-It is a free red lipstic-and it is for non-superstars too-wich is even nicer cause we FINALLY got some non-superstar makeup...Lol...Hope you like it... Ellie
P.S.HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!ღ ♥ ღ ♥ ღ ♥ღ ♥ ღ ♥ ღ ♥ღ ♥ ღ ♥ ღ ♥ღ ♥ ღ ♥ ღ ♥ღ ♥ ღ ♥ ღ ♥ღ ♥ ღ ♥ ღ ♥

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

L.E. In shops!

L.E. Is back! I like the clothes. So cute^^ But... All together Its 4585$... I feel so weird... For the first time in last 10 months ( not counting few days after old LE ) I have 12 stardollars O.o


When I checked my e-mail I noticed this:

Wow, free necklace for LE shoppers only.

And I only spent 75$ last time ^^

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Get the Mooacre poster for free

If you are not from the Uk then Follow The steps Below..
1st. Open up A new Tab or new window & Enter
2st. Enter Then Log in
3rd. After you have logged in Enter
The Secret Of Moonacre Poster:

Get Hotel For Dogs Poster For Free

Now You Can Get It Even If Your Not From UK.

Go To:

Poster Will Be Delivered To Your Suite.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Star Awards Drama... again

According to PSG Jeremyn2005 asked Ellie (Fakeshake3) and Mario (Dodence_bt) to count the votes for the Best Dressed person.
Ellie said she won, and Mario said that IamYourFat won. Apparently Ellie had 17 less votes then Molly (IamYourFat). Since Ellie said she had won, and Mario said that IamYourFat had won Jeremyn2005 just said that Its a tie between two of them. After that, Mario revealed that it was in fact a win for only Molly, and not Ellie.
Then Ellie said "Oh for god's sake. Can't someone just call Mario Gay again, so he can leave".
After that she took him of her best friend list.
Thought, If you visit Mario you can see that Ellie is still on his...
I hope next star awards will be a bit less dramatic.
So are you taking sides or you, just like me, think that this is stupid reason for a fight and that they should be friends again?

Free Shopoholic T-shirt for all

Go to that page :
In browsing label write :
And it will take you to cinema that has film ,,cofession of a
shopaholic" displaying.Since you are not logged in write your name and password like always and you will be logged in.If the video doesn't show up,don't worry.Wait for a minute or two and then go back to your page.
with love

P.S.This was originally founded by Mateya95,but I wrote it...;D

Friday, February 6, 2009

New Storage Boxes^^

So... What do you think about it? I love it, its more organized and it loads faster. You have four different sections two for furntiure, one for clothes and one for shoes and accessories.



Upcoming stuff.Hope u like them (I <3 the dress)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

LE shop

( we got the picture from stardoll sensation blog )

LE shop is in again...Look at the spoilers...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Spring Star Awards

Here are the nominees:

Best Newcomer: Iamyourfat, sweet_3094, Hrvatica_97, Dodence_btBest

Female Medoll: Bluegreen86, Balenciaga, Fakeshake3, Angeliiicaaa__Best

Male Medoll: Dodence_bt, Fag_Puff, -CoolDude, Tylerisbomb

Best Dressed: Iamyourfat, Steelone, UndamyUmbrellla, Fakeshake3

Best Suite: Isabella.Arci, Singingmermaid, Arna-Rut, ...Halloween...

Social Butterfly: Youlovelorie, WriteMaryCat, Modelisous, Gemma_WBest

Personality: Snapple2, To_Royal, xLou26, Welsch_WitchBest

Friendship: Springate & Britneys07, Isabella.Arci & Noelle_Page, Model-Selena &

Style_Magazine, Fakeshake3 & Puccapo

Best Magazine: Teen Style, Eternity Magazine, Style Magazine, Done!

MagazineBest Blog: Perez Hilton, Stardoll Fashion Forward, Stardoll According To Rihann, Seen

On Stardoll

Best Business: SingingMermaid, Le Chambre, TrendLounge, MadMacMom

Special Achievment Award: Style_Magazine, WriteMaryCat, Dodence_bt, Hifof

Best Role Model: UndamyUmbrellla, Steelone, Isabella.Arci, WriteMaryCat

Starpoint rewards

These are all of the starpoint rewards...