Free Layouts for MySpace

I made my layout with the Myspace Background Maker. Get myspace layouts, graphics, and flash toys at pYzam.
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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sephora Is Still Here!^-^

Go to Starplaza,
search for brown coloured stuff
and on page 12 you will find some Sephora make up...
Finally another glitch ^-^

Tnx to anele31 for telling me!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Oh, great, ANOTHER crappy-burn-book-wannebe blog...

Okay, we've seen this before...
But at least people who copied xox-DIOR-xox were kinda interesting... And this is plain boring...+completely stupid...

Again, the person choose the same people, and to make It worse, Its THE SAME thing every time...
I mean, look:

Oh, wow, that was so original... Again making fun of Arna because of ADHD and depression? In what world is that funny...? =.=""

Oh, and btw... Their quality sucks...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hot Buys....

Hot Buys Crop Jacket-Pretty in Pink in shop 12 June
Hot Buys Skirt-Rio in shop 23 June
Hot Buys Sandals-Pretty in Pink in shop 19 June
Hot Buys Bikini Necklace-Pretty in Pink in shop 17 June
Hot Buys Watch-Fudge in shop 8 June
Hot Buys Dress-Pretty in Pink in shop 26 June
Hot Buys Dress-Bisou in shop 15 June
Hot Buys Skirt-Bisou in shop 4 June

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Loop-hole and some other things...=]]]

So,on this blog you can read how to do the loop-hole...BUT...I sugest that you don't do it,cuz this girl got her account deleted...

Second,there is a new "money game" named Celeb quiz and it is so much better then the first two...
Third-there is a new "shop"...IT IS GREAT!!!=P It's called "Stardoll archive" and there you can buy some old stuff.I bought the "green with envy bag" and I got the necklase with it...I indend to buy more stuff and I am really loving this shop!=]
Forth-Philosophy is released.The clothes are really great!!!
Fifth...=]]]...Ok,I get it-Stardoll is into this "DIY" thing!!!Now,not only in clothes shop,but also in the Minishop you can buy parts of furniture...wird... What's next-parts of hairstyles?!?=.=

I think this is all...=P
See you soon...


Hey, theres a new free thing - the necklace! (yay, shiny*-*)
BUT, I have no idea how to get it... When I logged in today, one of my friends Marina ( XxFashionXCaTxX ) told me about it...


"So I just bought the new '' greenwith envin'' ( or something likethat ) bag. And when I cameto my closet I opened thebag and there was ...That green bag that I bought andsome jewel necklace. I think I gotit free cuz I bought that bag. =)but Im not sure ... well I know I didnt bought it :D "

So I decided to check. But first I read my messages. And another person told me about this. y "dear, lovely friend" AnonymousBiatch ... But, she said that she got the necklace after buying something from the new shop - DIY.
Then I went to my suite, opened the starplaza bag with only DIY stuff in it and got the necklace.

Yay, so Its DIY after all.... Not really... o.o
One of my friends ( Lol-girl95 ) tried to get It by buying that black DIY non-SS shirt. And she didn`t... o.O

Do you know anything about this?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Gossip...Me like...=P

Hello everybody...
First of all,I won't be able to write in next few days cuz I have some problems with my computer...
The second thing is those new "Evil Panda"prints.They are so cute!And I must say-Stardoll is really into this whole DIY idea....That is nice...

love Ellie995 <3

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Loophole ... again?

It looks like such*a*poser (famous for changing club pictures, making multiple clubs and scamming ) has discovered a new way to sell your clothes/furniture for more than 60 stardollars...

She was even able to sell some items for more than 1000$ O.o
This would actually be a god way to stop people from scamming....
But I highly doubt that shell tell us how to do it... :(

And she also made her medoll bigger...
And I mean REALLY bigger...O.O
(If you click on that thing that you use to change your medoll's size, It will return to normal and you wont be able to maximize it again...)

New Burn Book is...private?

Burn Book Bitch is back.
She has new book and rumors say that Its worse than before...
You wanna see it?
So do it.


Its private... ><""" Its so annoying! I mean, whats the point of making it If no one can see it? :/

Um, do you know anyone who got invited?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Free dress

There is a new free dress,bu it is of course only for UK-users.But as usual we have a chance to get it if we use the UK proxy server.
Go to:
and type in in the white box. Then log in on stardoll and no,you don't have to watch the whole video... So,I hope you enjoy your new dress! =]
you know you love me...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Callie is a covergirl?

Callie is todays covergirl? =.=
I mean, so what If she got the most votes.
Shes an admin...
So they practically stole 25$ (or whatever) from some other stardoll member...
Is it just me or stardoll is getting really annoying...?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New shop^-^

Yay, we got a new shop^-^
I think Its a great way to express your creativity^-^
Stardoll probably noticed that people make their own outfits a lot so they made a new shop - DIY...
Though It kinda sucks that non-superstars cant buy anything...:/
Any opinions?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bringing gossip back to stardoll?

XOX-DIOR-XOX is leaving her blog but not for long.Burn book is going to be back in business and very soon.
This is what she wrote:

"his is my final post on this blog, I'm bored of doing this project now, it has been filler until my Burn Book returns, this will happen very soon, sooner than you hoped I'm sure. Over the last few months I have made some discoveries, some good and some bad.

The Good; a turn around of opinion on a few people, fakeshake3 and arna-rut. I used to find fakeshake3 annoying but she's not, she can actually take a joke, as with arna-rut, both are nice people with an actual sense of humor, something some people lack, namely UndamyUmbrellla who takes everything said about her dolly as an insult, which leads me to believe she has no actual life outside of this dolly world, although it's a bonus she left Perez' blog as her articles were tired and never controversial.

The Bad; DanPuffs is a disgusting cunt, even his own family dislike him to a point they remove themselves from his life, I wish his clapped out, alcoholic, coke snorting slut of a mother would have had an abortion as do many others. He has no originality, he stole my idea after I pitched it to him, he promised to advertise it but backed out after I made fun of UndaMyUmbrellla, which is hilarious that he tried to protect her when she could not give two shits about him, her sole reason for leaving Perez blog was because of him and his increasingly erratic behaviour.

I will close by saying it has been fun, at the start I found this to be a fun experience but I am bored now and I won't drag anything out, take note PEREZ.
Keep your eyes peeled for my future projects, because I'm bringing gossip back to stardoll. "

I don't know about you,but as for me-I can't wait...]=D

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Well,in last few weeks Stardoll is both...
There is actually NOTHING to write about!Nothing is happening-no free stuff,no pretty stuff,no interesting stuff-nothing...
And just to prove how lazy they really are,I've put together a picture that has old stuff and stuff from the newest collection ( pay attention that all of this was released in 2 days(!)) just for you all to see that when you change a color of a dress/skirt/shoe/whatever you get a different,pricier dress/skirt/shoe/whatever...
So,Stardoll-do something that we can ACTUALLY write about...and that we can actually wear...

Friday, May 8, 2009

And here we go again...

I got this message today:

A lot of you have probably heard about the big strike on July 1st. If you havent, it is:We will NOT log in at all for 24 hours on July 1st, to rebel against Stardoll raising prices and making everything superstar-only. It isn’t fair. You know this, whether you are a superstar or not and its not right. Just make one small sacrifice on July 1st, please. DON’T LOG IN!!!

My first thought was:,, Oh no... Not again..."
On last July 1st I logged in-Of course! But many other people didn`t and did they achieve anything? No.

Sure, stardoll staff is greedy but It wont make a difference if about a tousend people don`t log in...Stardoll admin obviously doesn't care, remember loophole? Well they deleted at least 1000 accounts back then... Its pointless.
And anyway, the money we give for superstar is salary for people who work on stardoll. DUH, they want money... I don`t wanna be rude, but If you don`t like it-don`t go on stardoll...

Friday, May 1, 2009

Good or...bad?

If you make a new account on stardoll you will get:
First day:
Second day:
Third day:
+ you get 10 gift boxes,and they all have few gifts inside
+ you get clothes
I there is one very stupid thing-you only have one room.
As for me, i would like to have four rooms and none of these free stuff, then one room and all these stuff!!!

This is unfair to them,but both unfair to us!
They get all of these stuff and 75$ and we got 20$ and...hmmm...2 things that have "stardoll" all over it!
we have 4 rooms,and they have only 1!

Stardoll is unfair!
What do you think?