Free Layouts for MySpace

I made my layout with the Myspace Background Maker. Get myspace layouts, graphics, and flash toys at pYzam.
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Friday, August 20, 2010

Miss Stardoll World

New store, Miss Stardoll World, cheap compared to the invisible store. Not anything in there that I like though.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Invisble Store?

Not very invisible to me. But you can't hide from Phi. New store, it's attached to the first page of the PPQ of Mayfair shop. The items are over priced and aren't that good looking. I like the Kali dress, but it too is over priced.

Here's the Bebi top from the "Invisible" store compared to the Multi-Layered dress from PPQ.
Pretty low quality. But it does make me laugh when they call themselves "Invisible".

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What I Wanted Too Look Like

Here's a quick story for you:

Once upon a time, when Phi was a non superstar, Phi had an ambition too look like a drawing she had seen in the Klutz paper fashions fantasy book. She was a witch who had pink ponytails and when converted into Stardoll avatar form looked something like this on Phi.
In case you can't see that face, here it is.

It looked something on the lines of that. That is what I wanted too look like. And I will say that I am very happy not looking like that, and am very glad I never actually had enough money to actually look like that. That outfit is what inspired me to become a superstar. I amaze myself sometimes.

Miss Stardoll World

Do you have what it takes to be Miss Stardoll World? Click here and answer a few questions to enter for a year superstar and prizes.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

How Disappointing

This is what I find disappointing, as I find cases like this over and over. Lazy Stardoll.
Oh wonders, they've done it again. The first pair is the Audrey boots from Stardoll, 4 sd, non superstar. The second pair is the Black Leather boots from Rio, 5 sd, ss. The only differences in the style is that the Rio boots have a bit more shine to them, and the Audrey boots are just a touch shorter. Even the folds in the fabric are the same.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Sunny Bunny

New accessory shop called Sunny Bunny. Personally, I like the eye lenses but it's somewhat irritating that their for one eye only. It would work a a bit better as makeup, as it cant go below the hair.
