Free Layouts for MySpace

I made my layout with the Myspace Background Maker. Get myspace layouts, graphics, and flash toys at pYzam.
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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dot Make-up

Sephora maybe gone,but Stardoll decided to give us something more beautiful,more wow,more dot,dot,dot...The name of the new make-up firm is dot,and here is a pic...<3
I'm in love.How about you?

Monday, March 30, 2009

RC earrings is starplaza^^

Real celeb Paulina earrings are in starplaza and they are for non-SS too^-^
I bought them, but Its kinda unfair to the winners of the PP contest... :/


The Dove things are probably going to be free...^^

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Last Chance To Buy Sephora... :(

It looks like Sephora is leaving... :(
But lets hope they get us a new shop *o*
(there are some interesting spoilers^^)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Free Earth hour

Free "Earth Hour stuff you can find in the new stuff section.They are very cute.There are a boy and a girl shirt and a bag.Hope you like them.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Free Mini Cooper!^^

Hey, do you remember the EF Star Clubs (EF_StarClub_it, EF_StarClub_fi, EF_StarClub_es)?

Well, now theres a new free thing!^^

Just go to one of the clubs and click on the blue EF Logo on right side -you'll be redirected to EF's hp- and click on "Free Gift"

It will be in your suite!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

...even if u r not UK or USA...

1.Go to
2.In PHP box write
3.Log in
And you will have in your suite a cute lil Koala bear!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009


Go to the minishop and you will see that Littlest Pet shop is back and all the pets cost 1 and there you can see a free butterfly toy.Hope you like it....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Newest Kind Of Stardoll Bussines xD

You thought the only business on stardoll was making stardesigns?

You were wrong!

OMG, now we can all be prostitutes! Yay xD

I find this extremely funny...

Gossip time!!!Big fight...

Look at,and you may find somethin interesting...
So-I Arna-Ruts post bout how everybody is equal,and that there shouldn't be "a-list and b-list" and bla,bla,bla-which is ok by me.But then I saw over 400 comments what was really strange.But,the thing is that there was a big,nasty fight between Arna and Angeliiicaaa__...So,as they were calling each other some "names" like:paranoid little freak that doesn't have the guts to tell people the truth to their faces;little emo-loving attentionseeker;the worst person ive EVER met;fake wannabe that no one can stand being around you;heroin addict etc. mik-ma,Mario and Dan got into the fight too...Mario aka dodence_bt said he hated Arna in a very direct way:
You fucking make me sick for making another fight!
Learn to accept and share the fact that im not only YOUR best friend.Im MIA'S and ANGIE'S best friend TOO!
And don't you ever speak to me again!EVER
I told you not to make fights!And im not on msn for ONE day and YOU do it again!,,

Then he decided to share some interesting facts from his and Arnas friendship!It left me speechless!But I don't get it-he was the one who said to Arna not to create anymore fights,and now he only made it bigger and better...
I was shoked!!!Come on ppl-this is not real-it is just a game.What happend with that "Stardoll is a place where you can meet new friends"-not make enemies!Why fight?You know that at the end it will all end on gossip blogs,but-oh well...
You know you love me

Friday, March 20, 2009

April HBs

New HBs. They`re not that bad... Purse is cute and I like one of those dresses^^

Release dates:

Rio Hot Buys Vest in shops April 2nd

Bisou Hot Buys Frock in shops April 6th

Rio Hot Buys Bow Purse in shops April 9th

Pretty in Pink Hot Buys Heart Skirt in shops April 15th

Splendid Hot Buys Headband in shops April 16th

Bisou Hot Buys Necklace in shops April 17th

Fudge Hot Buys Tunic in shops April 21st

Pretty in Pink Hot Buys Heels in shops April 23rd

Pretty in Pink Hot Buys Blazer in shops April 27th

Bisou Hot buys Print Dress in shops April 30th

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Clothes

New Clothes....check it out

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New Burn Book Owner - Zollie101

If you visit the new Burn Book you`ll see that Its a bit different.

Looks like the person who made It REALLY doesn't want others to think that he/she is Zollie101.

I think It is her. Because I highly doubt that real BB owner would give a shit If someone thinks that shes Zollie.

BUT, this girl made fake account to prove that Its not her...

And also If you look at Zollie`s GB you`ll see a message from `BBs account` saying something like `You stole my art`... Yeah right...=.=

I think shes trying too hard...

Sorry, Zollie, but get a life. No one likes stupid attention seekers...

Tnx to Arna-rut for pointing this out for everyone.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Another bitch...

You guessed it...
Another Burn Book.
But this time, Its not even funny.
I find it very offencive...
Take this for example :
,,This jew fucking hymen eaterneeds to shape up. SHE'S ASCAMMER! Well, what did you expect? All jews are donkey raping shit eaters. YOU JEWISH FUCKING CUNT! Hitler was the greatest man in the world! He killed 6 mill. jews!And you were complaining about how sad your lives was!SERIOUSLY! You aren't evenhumans! You are just like niggers! And look at your styleyou jew cum!``

Insulting people for being Jewish is REALLY lame...

Any opinions?

10 000 hits in a day? O.o

Today we reached 50 000 hits...

I cant believe that we actualy got 10 000 in a day O.o

Tnx everyone for visiting!


This is a new sxop.It's called antidote and it is going to be limited like LE

Monday, March 16, 2009

Over 40 000 hits!

Tnx everyone for visiting!^^

Friday, March 13, 2009


Dog Magazine / First Issue

Hey, remember that post about `Dog Magazine`?
Well, first issue is out!^^
And I think Its the best stardoll magazine ever... I mean, other Mags have great graphic but Its not really that interesting :/
Its mostly about the latest gossip but really hilarius xD

Visit it here:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Official club

I would like all of you to join club named GossipGirl.SD
That is this blogs official stardoll club-there will be comps and alot of other stuff.Thank you!
Here is a link:

Furniture Spoilers

Its not bad^^
What do you think?

Another Hair...

I don`t like it... :/
Anyway, Its
No. 22

Monday, March 9, 2009


I don`t really like `em... :/

New (Rihanna) Hair Style

Not Bad...
But It Looks Lame On Me :/

If you can`t find it:
Go to:
>Style Medoll
Its the 13th hair style^^

30 000 visits!

Tnx everyone for visiting our blog! We got 30 000 hits!
Thank you! <3


Saturday, March 7, 2009

The hackers

So-I don't know is this the "Italian Mafia Stardoll" or what but...
There are these people that send you requests like:
"Hiee!!Lurvee your MeDoll...It's so stylish ;)
Wanna be friends?"
They have names like Name_1234...I read about this on before I got on my account,and I saw the same request(!) but from a different person-and I'm not the only one-two of my friends(one is an ex-superstar and the other is superstar) got the same messages!DON'T ACCEPT THOSE REQUESTS!!!Attached to the request is a key logger which takes your password to the hacker.So-I heard that the person behind all of this hacked into the Stardoll system but hasn't disrupted database.Be safe...
love Ellie995

P.S.Here are some names: