Free Layouts for MySpace

I made my layout with the Myspace Background Maker. Get myspace layouts, graphics, and flash toys at pYzam.
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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Some news...

Yeah, well, I'm getting inactive again... :/
So, anyway, I've been getting those messages lately saying that our blog shouldn't be called Gossip blog anymore, and that It's more like Stardoll's Most Wanted or something.
Well, you might be right, but tnx everyone else for support.
I feel like I'm repeating myself again, but I'm sorry, both, Ellie and I are extremely bussy with school right now. I'm actually kinda sick right now >< (not Swine Flu XDD)

I'm a little late with this, but still...
Star Awards is back.
And it appearently needs you.

So this is what Dan said (copied from PSG):
"Well, seeing as Star Awards is back and with it's rightful owner, Vanessa. Perez Star Gossip is back and so am I, for one last stance. Here at PSG we enjoy nothing more than a good fashion show and Star Awards is always the most fun and fashionable of the Stardoll events so I had an idea, one last Best and Worst dressed list!
It's a big undertaking and I can not do it alone, I needed some help and I go it, in the form of Star_Awards, the queen of the awards and bluegreen86 one of the best dressed girls on Stardoll and probably the nicest, too.

Then I decided the team was just a bit too small and if American Idol needs four judges then so does Star_Awards!

That's where you guys, our readers come in, we need one of you guys to help us judge the 'red carpet', all the outfits at the event! All you have to do is write to me either on Stardoll or on this post why you think you should be a judge, easy as that.The fourth judge will be picked by Vanessa, Mel and myself.

For all the info on Star Awards join Vanessa's club HERE."

I won't be entering because, well, obviously I don't spend so much time on stardoll lately, but just wanted to inform everyone who hasn't noticed this...



  1. OMiiiGiiiiiii!!!!!!!
    Ur bck, ur bck! :DDDD

    n i houp u will get beter soon\!!!

  2. You came back! I'm so glad!

    About the post=this seems interesting...
